Unique Ways to Display Your Travel Souvenirs at Home

If you’ve got collections of travel souvenirs from across the world (and famous holiday destinations such as Dubai) currently sitting in a box and not being enjoyed, you’re in the right place!

We’re introducing some exciting ways that you can get them organised so that you can enjoy them all year round, rather than just getting them out now and again to enjoy. 

Label Them

Before you start organising your travel souvenirs, our first tip would definitely be to label them! This can be a tiny sticky label on the bottom of your souvenir, with the date and location you got it, and it will make such a big difference in the future.

Some things might be obvious, for example, if you have London souvenirs you will remember where they are from, however for more subtle things like shells from the beach or wooden sculptures, labelling them will help you to remember where everything is. You’d be surprised at how your memory can become blurred even a couple of years after a trip, so make sure you make a note.

This is also the case for things like postcards, make sure you note the date down that you visited and perhaps a few fond memories of the trip that otherwise might fade over time. 

Memory Jars

Next up, memory jars are a great way to store your favourite souvenirs! For things that are smaller and more pliable, putting them into jars that are decorated nicely can be such a lovely way to store them.

You could have a small jar for each trip if you like to collect a lot of souvenirs, such as entry tickets, wristbands, shells, and maybe even some sand for the bottom! Then you can decorate the outside with a cute label that says the location and date of your visit, then other bits and pieces like ribbons. This is really simple, and you can utilise jars that you already have around the house (we love old jam jars for this). 

Shells in a Jar

Consider A Glass Storage Container

Another thing you can do if you have lots of pieces you want to clearly display is to consider a glass storage container. One that contains layers, potentially some kind of jewellery storage, is so great, as everything will be protected, and spread out and you can easily label everything.

This is perfect if you want to regularly look through your souvenirs or want them proudly on display. The only thing to remember with glass storage is that if you leave it in direct sunlight, then it will get very hot and potentially damaged, so just make sure you have a good pair of curtains that you can position your glass container behind to keep everything in the best condition possible. 

Create A Framed Paper Collage

If you have lots of paper memories like event tickets, plane tickets, brochures and so on, then creating a framed paper collage is the best way to prevent them from getting forgotten. Once you have quite a few collected, get yourself a large frame and lay all of your memories out on the backboard of the frame.

We’d recommend organising them by location, then you can add little labels for each location. You can really get creative here, but however you decide to do it, it can really transform how you present your memories.

